ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Contact Us: 1-877-457-6482
Here you will find a comprehensive list of the Certifications provided by NITC. Click here to search our directory.
Please contact our office if you need assistance.
If you are a training director coordinator, association representative, or employer representative and would like to order a certification examination for a group, please select the certification you want, and you will find candidate bulletins, a group examination request/roster form, and individual applications. In addition to the request/roster form that you must complete, each individual applicant must complete and sign an application.
If you are an individual applicant wishing to take a certification examination at a Prometric Testing Senter, please (1) select the certification you want, (2) print out and complete the application form, and then (3) email to address on application or fax (213)351-7632 (4) Contact NITC to provide payment. You will receive and email from NITC to schedule your appointment.
Here you will find a comprehensive list of the Certifications Provided by NITC. Click here to search our directory and full list of of certifications.